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SBOE Resources and Information

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Information for Parents:

  • Publishers with instructional materials placed on the approved list by the SBOE in the new IMRA process will be required to make those materials available online for parents to access via a parent portal.
  • Requirements for districts to allow in-person access to instructional materials apply to all instructional materials regardless of their approval by the SBOE.
  • Parents may request a review of instructional materials used by a classroom teacher in a foundation curriculum course to determine the degree to which the material corresponds with the materials adopted by the district and the degree to which the materials meet the level of rigor of the TEKS for the grade level in which they are being used.
  • Grant funding will be available to assist LEAs in conducting these reviews.
  • The Texas OER is a free resource that should be printed for students.
  • School districts that choose to adopt Texas OER will be given $20 per student to print materials.

  • At the conclusion of elementary level curriculum units, students will write a letter to take home which summarizes what they have learned.
  • The letter home creates the opportunity for students and parents to discuss what they learned at school.

  • HB 3 (2019) required the use of a phonics curriculum, pending TEA rulemaking. TEA rules took effect April 2022, and a compliant & noncompliant phonics textbook list was published by TEA in spring 2023.
  • HB 1605 defines three-cueing and prohibits local education agencies from incorporating the practice in any of their instruction for the phonics curriculum.
